Saturday, 30 June 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 162

Thanks to all of you who took up the challenge last week. I wondered what the response would be to  such a lengthy prompt but I needn't have worried! So, let's see what you make of this!

This week I've used as our prompt the title and ending of a poem by David Whalen

I listen to the silence .... as you do also

Use some or all of it in you short story or poem then hand your URL over to Mister Linky. Please try to visit as many of your fellow writers as possible. To read David Whalen's poem, plus an amusing Haiku and a second poem, pop over to Carry On Tuesday Plus. You'll be glad you did!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 161

As a rule I give you just a few words to use in your creation. But when I found this quote I couldn't resist bringing the whole piece to the table. Obviously you won't be able to use all of it, so pluck from it what you will! Have fun!

This week we have as our inspiration a quote from Charles Dickens.

Click on green arrow

The dreams of childhood - its airy fables, its graceful, beautiful, humane, impossible adornments of the world beyond ; so good to be believed in once, so good to be remembered when outgrown.

Use as much or little as you wish then drop off the URL of your story or poem with Mister Linky. To read a few more words of wisdom from Dickens including those said to be his last, visit Carry On Tuesday Plus.


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 160

Sorry I've not been around much during the past week. I'm ashamed to admit that I've not even written anything myself over at Keiths Ramblings since May 26th!  This week I'm determined to put things right (or should that be 'write'?)

This week our prompt is part of the opening line of Walter de la Mare's poem The Listeners

Is there anybody there?

Use all or part of it at the start or within your short story or poem then leave your URL with Mister Linky. Then take a look at what your fellow Carry On folk have made of it.

To read The Listeners in full, drop by Carry On Tuesday Plus. It's worth a few minutes of your time!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 159

Thanks to all of you who sent me words of encouragement during my stressful house move! They were so appreciated. I'm now in my new apartment and I got the internet back just in time for this week's episode! Keith.

This week we have as our inspiration the first words of the 1972 Johnny Nash  hit -

I can see clearly now...

Use some or all of the words in your short story or poem, then leave your URL with our faithful friend Mister Linky. As ever it will be great if you can find the time to visit your fellow contributor's sites to see their takes on our prompt.

To listen to this classic song and read the lyrics visit Carry On Tuesday Plus

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 158

I'm moving house tomorrow and will be without access to the internet for the next few days. Please Carry On without me, and hopefully I'll be up and running again in time for next Saturday's post. 

This week I'm using the opening words of Brian De Palmer's 2002 movie Femme Fetale as our prompt.  Enjoy!


Use some or all of the words in your short story or poem then leave your URL with Mister Linky. Then off you go, reading what your fellow writers have come up with!
If you'd like to see the trailer for the film, you'll find it at Carry On Tuesday Plus