Saturday, 12 June 2010

Carry On Tuesday # 57

Your prompt for Tuesday 15th

This week our prompt is the title and opening line of a William Butler Yeats’s poem

"When you are old and grey and full of sleep”

Use all or part of it within your poem or prose, and then leave the url of your post with Mister Linky and a comment

To read the poem and learn more about William Butler Yeats click HERE


  1. I just posted a new poem titled "The Complexity of Compassion", incorporating both the COT prompt and the for tomorrow's Blog Carnival.

  2. I could go no other way with the Yeat's line, than loooove. Sorry if a bit sappy this week!

    - Dina

  3. I thought I would write a Cento because each time I started reading the prompt I fell into a humming of "When I'm 64..."

    May my weaving do them both justice!

    McCartney Yeats Cento

  4. Oh Julie I love the idea of a cento!
    This prompt took me in a dark direction.

  5. Please give me a nudge if I don't drop by. Tell me to visit, point me straight to you, leave a link, make it easy and I'll try to be good.
