Saturday, 25 May 2013

Carry On Tuesday # 207

This week our prompt is the opening line from the 1949 movie Adam's Rib

Vive la difference

Use all or part of it within your poem or prose, and then leave the URL of your post with Mister Linky  - and a comment would be nice!

To watch the 1949 trailer and read about ADAM'S RIB go to Carry On Tuesday Plus


Saturday, 18 May 2013

Carry On Tuesday # 206

There have been many recordings of Cy Coleman and Carolyn Leigh's 1959 song,
 among them versions by Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra. It is of course....

The best is yet to come

Use the words as you will as part of your poem or short story then leave your URL with Mister Linky. Please then take a trip around your fellow writer's sites to see how they have used them.

To read about the song and hear Frank Sinatra crooning it, go to Carry On Tuesday Plus.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Carry On Tuesday # 205

This week we turn to a song from the movie Moulin Rouge for inspiration

Come what may

Use it as you wish as part of your poem or story then hand your URL over to Mister Linky. Please do remember to visit your fellow contributor's sites to see what they made of it.

To hear the song and read the lyrics go to Carry On Tuesday Plus


Saturday, 4 May 2013

Carry On Tuesday # 204

This week I have chosen as our prompt part of the title of a poem called Come With Me, I Said, And No One Knew (VII) by Pablo Neruda

Come with me, I said

Use all or part of it at the beginning or within your poem a story, then hand over your URL to Mister Linky. To read a little about Pablo Neruda and read his poem go to Carry On Tuesday Plus