Saturday, 25 February 2012

Carry On Tuesday ~ 146 / Saturday February 25th

This week we have as our inspiration the first line of a song from the wonderful musical Les Miserables

Drink with me to days gone by

Use part or all of it in your piece then leave your URL with Monsieur Linky. A comment would be appreciated.

If you would like to hear this song sung by the cast and read the lyrics drop by Carry On Tuesday Plus.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 145

In 1936 W.H. Auden wrote a short poem which was to become known as Funeral Blues. Some 70 years later it reduced millions of people, me included, to tears when it featured in the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral. Our prompt this week is its first line

Stop all the clocks

Use it at the start or within your piece, then leave your URL with Mister Linky. A comment would be appreciated.

I urge you to visit Carry On Tuesday Plus where you see the clip from the film and read this beautiful short poem 

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 144

The opening lines of Angel by Sarah McLachlan provide us with our prompt this week.

Spend all your time waiting
for that second chance

Use as much or little of it as you wish then leave your URL with Mister Linkey, plus a comment if you feel so disposed! You may then wish to drop by Carry On Tuesday Plus where you can hear the song and read the lyrics.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 143

I came across a poem called In the Park by John Koethe and I thought that the first few words would provide us with a perfect prompt for this week's challenge.

This is the life I wanted, and I could never see

Use some or all of these words at the start or within your creation them leave your URL with Mister Linky. A comment would also be appreciated!
To enjoy In the Park, go over to Carry On Tuesday Plus