Saturday 16 October 2010

Carry On Tuesday # 75

Your prompt for Tuesday October 19th

This week I’ve taken a line from the movie The Italian Job

“Look, if there’s one thing I’ve learned.........”

Use all or part of it within your poem or prose, and then leave the url of your post with Mister Linky and a comment.

To watch the trailer and read some more quotes from The Italian Job, visit Carry On Tuesday Plus


  1. Me? First? Wow :-)

    I think my lesson is/was a very valuable one.

  2. So many lessons I have learned and probably so many still to learn! To pick one was a challenge! But I think it works!

  3. A little darker tonight but still worth getting out there!

  4. The older I get the more I realize I have learned very little if othing at all.

  5. I wrote a poem for this one.

  6. Hello, this is my first Carry On Tuesday. It came out a little silly, I think...
    Kari@ The Best Place By The Fire

  7. It's been months since I've written. "Screwing my courage to the sticking place" and pressing "post,"


  8. At first I thought this prompt would be impossible to respond to without self-aggrandizement. Then I just started to jot down a few thoughts which seemed to take shape into something... I haven't written a thing in 11 days, so I wouldn't hazard to call it a poem.
