Saturday, 6 August 2011

Carry On Tuesday # 117

Your prompt for Tuesday August 9th

This week I am indulging myself with the opening line of Rupert Brooke's poem The Soldier in which he expresses movingly his love of England

If I should die, think only this of me

Use all or part of it within your poem or prose then leave the url of your piece with Mister Linky. A comment would also be appreciated.

To read The Soldier and listen to Elgar’s quintessentially English composition Nimrod from the Enigma Variations, visit Carry On Tuesday Plus


  1. Ok smarty .....where is the linky thingy???????

  2. Just checking to see if you were paying attention. Actually I had a date at the pub; I was late and I clean forgot! Had a great time - am I forgiven?

  3. But of course! Was she any good?


    I'll add mu URL instead. Thanks for the prompt.

  5. Wow, this is scratching for a heart-breaking scene for me. :)

  6. I somehow managed to get something where this fitted into quite nicely.. thank you :)

  7. Having just experienced a serious illness that left me hospitalized; this prompt gave me pause to imagine what would be said if I really was no longer here. I suppose I should give this to my husband. Thanks for giving me a reason to ponder my life.

  8. though technically i did use the words 'i', 'die', 'me' i really didn’t use the quote, but rather the theme “if you kill me, my memory will haunt you” ~ i think it ties in. morbidly, it's true. {smile}

  9. when I finally got around to checking the carry-on,I'd had a bad day; the piece of writing was so appropriate to how I was feeling!
