Saturday 10 December 2011

Carry On Tuesday # 135

For our inspiration this week I've taken the first line of a poem by Robert H Smith entitled The Clock of Life

The clock of life is wound but once

Use all or part of it as part of your verse or story then leave the URL of your piece with Mister Linky. A comment would be appreciated.

To read the poem and a couple more along the same lines visit Carry  On Tuesday Plus



    does anyone ever read these?

  2. i read as many as i can! but i have to come back to visit cuz it's 3am now. see y'all later!

  3. I love to read these. This time I cheated because I read a few before I wrote mine. I will return to read more later. Its the most wonderful time of year, right?....right:)
    Take care, all,
    Happy reading and writing!

    Thank-you Keith, for letting us re-appreciate the great oldies!

  4. Thanks for the prompt Keith :) That darned clock!

  5. Hi,
    I've just discovered your blog. Thank you for the prompt! Look forward to many more,
    The Happy Amateur

  6. Thanks for this prompt, I learnt something today:)
