Sunday 2 September 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 171

A day late I'm afraid. Sorry. I had computer problems!

Back to childhood this week with what is probably the most used first line ever.

Once upon a time......

Use it at the start or within your story or poem then leave your URL with Mister Linky.
To read about the expression, go over to Carry On Tuesday Plus


  1. This appealed to me, thanks Keith :)
    Have a great week all.

  2. Keith,
    I have had one of those unbelievable summers...
    unable to post, due to work, sleep, dental issues
    and arthritis pain causing me just unable to think,
    just work/sleep it seems.
    Will try to get back in the swing of writing COT for I love
    your prompts and appreciate the work you go thru to
    do them for us.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  3. Love the fantasy lead in...
    sorry to hear about Siggi (take care)

  4. Thank you so much for the prompt... Today was one of those days I really needed it.

  5. A week and a day late. Unfortunately, another lament. Sigh. Seems to be my mood lately.
    Thanks for another great prompt that really got me thinking about how I would approach such a familiar phrase!
