Saturday, 17 November 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 182

I'm off on my travels again and as it's likely I will be in areas with limited internet access, I'm having to abandon you for three weeks! For that reason I've chosen two prompts to keep you busy until I return on Saturday December 8th.

Our prompts today both come to us courtesy of John Lennon and The Beatles, and are the titles
of two of their most loved songs


Here there and everywhere

Use them in whatever way you wish, then leave your URL with Sargent Linky . 

To read the lyrics to these two songs and to enjoy listening to them, visit Carry On Tuesday Plus


  1. The busy-ness of it all. :-)

  2. Having destroyed some previous writing, I find again that Winter has come, and with it, the need to write. I shall endeavor to continue...

  3. Enjoy your travels and safe home!
    I've combined the two prompts into one free verse (and counted it towards my attempts at nablopomo 2012; hope you don't mind the double duty.

  4. Take a lot of photos for us and enjoy your travel..., Meanwhile I'm teaching my self writing skills

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I hope it is okay to use one of these this week and one next. I combined the imagine prompt here with the gathering prompt at Poetic Asides to come up with a poem. Hope you like it.

  7. great titles! great songs! hope you have a wonderful trip, Keith!
