Saturday 8 October 2011

Carry On Tuesday # 126

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller is considered to be one of the greatest novels of modern times. The opening words are simple, an expression we use time and time again!

It was love at first sight

Use part or all of the prompt at the beginning or within your poem or story. Please leave your name and url with Mister Linky. A comment would be nice too! To read an extract from Catch-22 visit Carry On Tuesday Plus


  1. I wasn't sure I could manage to scrunch the words of the prompt into a senryu, but with a little tweaking I did! Thanks for the challenge!

  2. I wrote a poem called The Kiss about meeting someone for the first time, but immediately kissing like Twin Flames.

  3. Nice prompt! Resulting in curious twists.

  4. Thank you for hosting an the inspiration :)
    Happy writing

  5. Could not resist this prompt. Good one!
