Saturday 9 June 2012

Carry On Tuesday # 159

Thanks to all of you who sent me words of encouragement during my stressful house move! They were so appreciated. I'm now in my new apartment and I got the internet back just in time for this week's episode! Keith.

This week we have as our inspiration the first words of the 1972 Johnny Nash  hit -

I can see clearly now...

Use some or all of the words in your short story or poem, then leave your URL with our faithful friend Mister Linky. As ever it will be great if you can find the time to visit your fellow contributor's sites to see their takes on our prompt.

To listen to this classic song and read the lyrics visit Carry On Tuesday Plus


  1. Old Grizz has returned and is posting where he belongs...glad the move was successful with as little pain as possible. Hope the new digs are a villa over looking the Mediterranean..

  2. It has been a while since I've been over here...I just read back over the past few prompts and am glad you decided not to call it quits. :)

    I've posted the link to my short little PiKu poem.

    Have a great week!

  3. So glad you're in your new apartment and, the internet is back up and running Keith. Thanks for posting the prompt!
    Good luck in your new home :)

  4. Thanks for the prompt--a challenging one, to be sure!

  5. Glad your move is over. I know how stressful a move can be.

    Enjoyed writing to this prompt. Thanks. Take care.

  6. Writing poetry makes me crazy!! Oh wait. I was already crazy. . .

  7. I hope you will like my whimsy...

  8. Some more in the same vein as last week's topic...thank you!

  9. Changing "I can see clearly now" to " He could see clearly now" :D :D
